Wednesday, September 15, 2010

it's the news compared to the olds

As soon as I moved to Salt Lake City, I ran and got myself a library card. Not only is this library the best in this desert state, it has the best music selection possible! Citizens of SLC know what's up.. or, we're just all mirrored images.
Anyways, while I was there I picked up the book "Blankets". It's the best graphic novel I have ever read! You should read it sometime. It has 500 pages, but I finished it in 2 days. Good mind vacationing.

I get my hair cut tomorrow! Help me out!
Typical girl, I don't know what I want.
Let's shave it again.

My new home in Salt Lake couldn't be any better! I'm serious! I have the most booootiful roommates in the world. :)
I just walk everywhere until I get a bike.. I lost my favorite scarf though. :( There is a happy street bum out there with a warm neck..

AND just in case if any of you were worried.. I'm still in love with the girl who is the heart of the my world.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Hello Hello.
Last week Kalin, Brynn, Emily, Courtney, Lexy, Jason, Russ, and I went to Las Vegas, San Diego, and Los Angeles!
It was SO beautiful! We played all day in the sun and drank until we couldn't stand or we were forced to go to bed.
We all stayed with Brenden in his very nice apartment on Coronado Island. While we were in L.A., it just so happened to be Long Beach Pride, so we stopped there and danced.. then went to a queers in action party.. I had so much fun playing the games they had there and talking about sexuality.. It's a great subject when it can be talked about openly in a group. While we were in San Diego, we saw The Album Leaf. There were grand emotions pushing through the air. I could have easily broke down in that music hall. Usually I would hate Las Vegas, but I had such a great time on the strip! We met this homeless kid named Alex who was a traveling hippie.. He was a great reminder that our life is free and we get to choose how to live in it. He was beautiful as he sang a Bob Marley song trying to earn a quick buck to fix his car..
I think overall it was such a great vacation! $400 and 2 speeding tickets later we made it home safely..
Next trip, Colorado for COCOROSIE!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

gum ball

When you see a gum ball, you see it's beautiful colors, its hard shell, and you begin to want it so bad.
You will spend the only quarter in your pocket to have one.
Once you own this gum ball, you want to pop it right in your mouth or it'll melt and get sticky in your hands.
This is your gum ball, so why would you want to share it? right?

I have noticed that love is like a gum ball.

Once you have it, you chew it up until there is no longer a flavor..
Then you throw it away.

Sometimes you want another flavor..
Other times you crave that one flavor.. spending every quarter you get until you get that one flavor again..

meh. I'm sick of gum balls.

Friday, April 16, 2010


All I have been wanting to do is read lately. I recently finished "Eat, Pray, Love" which is a great book if you want tips on personal soul searching. I also think it'd be a great gift idea to give to your non religious divorced broken down mother. :)
I am now reading "The Bell Jar" and I can't take my eyes off the text. I just want to open the words and crawl inside the book. I can see every strand of Esters hair, I can picture her black exhausted eyes, and I can taste her emotion. This book has taken me away from my homework even though I should be studying for finals. But I don't care anymore, I just want to read and play music for my profession.

Other than reading, this last week I went to the Tegan and Sara show. I wasn't going to go because I haven't really gotten into their new c.d. "Sainthood", but when I went to go visit my best friend Courtney who was in line all morning, I decided to go. It was a good $40 dollars to spend, that's for sure! They were great and I was in the second row. The energy there was just phenomenal, and even Tegan and Sara thought it was one of their favorite shows. (source: their blog) :) I can't believe I forgot how inspiring they are to me and my music. I don't really write the same music as them, but they inspire me to play. They inspired me so much I decided I am finally going to buy a new drumset with my tax return money. woo! A 1,000 set. :) I have very talented friends, and I can't wait to combine our music! There is nothing that will stop me from getting paid for what I love to do.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

God Bless the Child

I think I believe in love at first sight. I saw her and I knew I would love her.
The lights were actually beginning to dim and the dance was about to start. My friends and I were grouped away from everyone else in the room. Then, something caught my eye... and there she was. She was dressed in her best dress and was dancing with her close friend, who was in a tux.
This was one of my last nights out with my best friends before I moved to San Francisco. I loved the girl I was moving to in that great California state, I did! Oh how I was committed. However, something happened the night I saw this girl.. This made my life completely complicated for awhile.
We introduced ourselves and shook hands gracefully.
Devon. Wow.. what a beautiful girl.. At the end of a shy night, we exchanged numbers.
We talked all night and I decided I needed to see her the next day..
I drove to her work in the mountains to visit her, when I should have been packing and studying for finals. When I arrived at her work she was sitting on top of a picnic table with bare feet, and a cigarette. We said hello and had fun conversations.. She'd tell me how cute I was every now and then, while I would just blush.. After she was done with work, we ran up into the mountains and found some drinks. While we drank, we watched the valley from up high.
She took me to her empty new home and I met her close friends. I was so lovestruck! But, I didn't know what to do...
We met up everyday for the next two weeks until I left, and she gave me a kiss goodbye.
When I arrived in San Francisco, I knew that wasn't where I was supposed to be. I fought with myself for three months and wrote to her almost everyday, but only sent a few. Her letters made me feel the emotions of true love, and I was hurt. I finally decided I needed to go back home to see my family before school started again and before she found someone new.
She had hand picked some sunflowers, placed them in newspaper, and tied them with string before she picked me up from my parents home. We didn't kiss and we hardly hugged for two whole weeks, then the last day I was home arrived. We planned "The Octopus Music Box" for this final night. This was an event where our friends would meet and we'd play music and make art all night. Devon surprised me and had her friend sing the song she wrote for me while I was away. I cried and ran into her home and sat on her stairs... We then experienced our first real kiss, right there on her staircase.
After that night, I never went home. I've been in the blue house with her since. It's been 8 months and I think we still want to stay. Her and I.
I am in love, and ohhh I am in this one deep. MM

Sunday, March 28, 2010

It was all beautiful, and nothing hurt...

Life has been so beautiful I hardly have words for description.
I have let myself go. I am free, and I am at life's feet.

I don't understand how I live everyday without streams coming down my face.
The colors are at their ultimate power and the wind pushes them through my hair.
I'm excited to feel the first scrapped knee of the year. Have stained popsicle lips, and barefoot trail wonderings.
I'm far from being alone this spring and my heart feels so warm!
Devon is beautiful, she is part of the sun. Everyday she makes my life feel as if I live on a sun ray made of gold. She helped me peel my old skin off, and now I am born again.
Yesterday afternoon I played my guitar in ripped jeans and an old shirt while Devon held me. She then stood back, studied me, then recited my form on paper.
Mrow, Mrow, our cat, has been feeling spring lately too. She finds the sun on our bedroom or kitchen floor and just sprawls out to soak in the sparkles of the dust and the suns blanket.
Even though yesterday wasn't the greatest day, I fell asleep smiling because I sleep next to her and I wake up to the sweetest animal in the world.
I have found the sun still shines on a cloudy day... MM